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"There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them."

Denis Waitley

Accepting Accountability: Quote

Accepting Accountability

"To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others." -Tony Robbins

Accepting Accountability: Services

Evolution of Nursing Science (NURS 212) taught me the SBAR concept. According to ‘Professional Nursing Concepts and Challenges 8th edition’ SBAR (Situation Background Assessment Recommendation) is a standardized form of spoken communication across health care disciplines. It allows the communicator to reduce irrelevant information in an efficient manner in order to give clear and concise reports. This form of communication can be applied to other disciplines not just in the medical field.


In the Fall semester of 2018 I took a Microbiology Lab (BIOL250L) course where we had the opportunity to work on an assignment called ‘The Unknowns Project’. Dr. Golonka gave each student a bacterium and assigned us the task of going through steps that we created to determine the name and type of the ‘unknown’. My first within-the-classroom artifact is a diagram that shows the process of elimination I went through to identify the correct name and type of bacterium. I finished the identification portion of the assignment early and quickly shifted to working on writing the explanation of my lab results. In retrospect, by finishing quickly, I should have asked for an assessment on my findings while doing the project. However, Dr. Golonka reviewed my lab results while I was writing my findings in my lab report, and she recommended that I look back over my work. Listening to her feedback, I was confused and needed clarification in which Dr. Golonka provided. My second within-the-classroom artifact is reflective writing on my initial attempt at identifying the unknown bacterium, and how rushed experiences has the potential to impact the quality of your work.  

After completing the formal lab report, I partnered with another student and we presented on how significant the consequence can be if you miscalculate the balance between efficiency and correctly diagnosing a situation.

The SBAR approach can be used in meetings as well. For example, I had the opportunity to initiate the SMART (Student Mobile Anthropometric Research Team) Study at USC Lancaster by learning how to appropriately use the lab equipment and train my Research Club peers. I believed using SBAR would not only make the meeting run smoothly but would also account for confirming I addressed each topic individually. My beyond-the-classroom artifact is the training agenda I created to ensure I focused on all matters appropriately, in addition to folders for each executive student researcher to have all the necessary training materials and research instruments in an organized fashion. My intention of utilizing the SBAR concept was to improve the understanding on my peers of all the components of the SMART study.


"People make mistakes and working with human subjects does not always go according to plan, regardless how intact and perfect you believe your plan is."

Dr. Elizabeth Easley

Accepting Accountability: Quote

Working with human subjects (either in research or daily life) does not always follow SBAR, and sometimes it is important to take time to notice the small details. Reflecting on this notion, I am understanding that in order to excel in research and nursing, it is imperative that you learn what details are important and need to be recognized and what is irrelevant. Sometimes, when rushed, we tend to confuse the two. I believe true mastery comes when even under stress or tight on time, you are still able to follow SBAR. However, at the time when I was completing these tasks, I should have stopped and double checked for the microbiology lab report for corrections or clarification. If I had, then I would have been more effective, which is exactly what SBAR conveys you to do.

Accepting Accountability: Text

Within-the-Classroom Artifacts

This final report for BIOL250L documents the trials when determining the ‘Unknown’ for our project. This assignment was challenging, and you can read about the quirks in the report.

Accepting Accountability: Text

This artifact is a generalized chart that explains the process of elimination I used to determine my unknown.

Accepting Accountability: Text

Beyond-the-Classroom Artifacts

SBAR was used in pursuit of allowing this meeting to run smoothly and efficiently. The purpose of this meeting was a briefing of the SMART study data collection that was going to take place in a few days following this meeting. I created the agenda and presented it to my peers.

Accepting Accountability: Text

These are just two of the training materials used for the meeting that I created. The top sheet explains measurements taken for shoulders, waist, and hip circumference. The second sheet is defining ‘athletic mode’ on a BIA machine that was required for all of us to completely understand prior to data collection.

Accepting Accountability: Text

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